Tuesday 29 March 2011

Art galleries and Museums

Today 2 fellow kiwis and I walked to the notorious gallery of Pro Hart and to the Whites Mineral Art Gallery and Museum
We cut across some bare land at the back of the staff quarters

Pro Hart is one of Australia's most popular and controversal artists. His works have been exhibited all over the world. He was a miner for years and began painting to keep himself sane after long hrs underground.
His creative imagination moved him to explore many mediums.
He worked on prints and ceramics, bronze and silver casts then on to large scale steel sculptures.

He had a passion for music, his favourite instument being the electric pipe organ that takes pride in his gallery.
His other passions were pistol shooting,weight lifting, motorbikes and vintage cars.

These Rolls Royces were amazing, particularly the artworks on the one seen below

He died in 2006 having produced 1000's of paintings.. Quite incredible as he started painting later in his life.

After perusing this gallery we cut across some vacant land to get to Whites Museum. There are lots of sunflowers around at present
This is a family gallery and museum which features a walk-in mine on the surface, with a tour and video of the history of the Broken Hill mining, exhibits of mining equipment, models of mining structures and pictures using
the minerals as the medium

These a a few of the dolls of the Doll and Bear Display

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SV Erica

SV Erica

About Me

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We met in 1971 and it was Eric's dream to build his own yacht and sail the world. This became a joint dream but it was not until 1994 that we were able to start building. "Erica" was launched in 2001 after 7yrs building her. It then took us 5 yrs to prepare her and ourselves before leaving NZ to see the world
